Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Painting 101 and a great giveaway link

First. let me say that I took all kinds of pictures to accompany this post, but my camera just said no to uploading to iPhoto. Just plain no.


I have some interesting, yet little-known facts about painting a bedroom. I have been excited to do this project for the Peanut and the UMC (Unloved Middle Child), picking out colors and scheming ideas. The Nut wanted a "mermaid princess room" but, instead of being sucked into the Disney vortex of doom, I proposed creating a room for a mermaid princess and she loves that idea. The walls are painted a green color named 'mermaid,' and I intend to dot her ceiling with fake diamonds, pepper her tulle curtains with gems and sea paraphernalia, and create a top to her dresser with the undersides of the little glass doo-dads you put in the bottoms of vases - flat side up. UMC's bedroom is going to be a creamy khaki color called 'cottage' with mauve accents and an idea for a series of collages that I will only be able to explain with pictures. Ahem.

As I started painting the ceiling, I though in tweets:

rikkifish Roll three: I chose to this *why* again?

rikkifish Roll six: oh yeah, this is why painters wear hats.

rikkifish Roll 37: I love my children I love my children I will finish this I will finish this

The facts I had no idea existed but seriously appear to be true:

1. If you are low on heating fuel, be it oil, gas, or wood, simply opening a can of paint raises the temperature of the room you are painting by 20 degrees, despite breezes, cloudy cool weather, or oscillating fans.

2. It is grammatically incorrect to use the the phrase "When I paint," either before or after the simple sentence "I will be more careful and not need drop cloths."

3. No matter how many rolls of masking tape you buy, you will always be one short.

Nikes and a Ponytail is having a FABULOUS GIVEAWAY - if you go there from here, please tell her so!

1 comment:

C.G. the Foodie said...

I can't wait to see pictures of the final paint jobs! WTG mom!!!